Saturday, October 11, 2008

Are these social networks?

Hi to whoever is reading this.
Thing 4
I guess I'm still a bit unfocused about what social networks are, so I'm not sure if these apply.

This url is for the Association of Independent Information Professionals. I have had my own business as a medical librarian for longer than I care to admit. Through this association, I've gotten discounts to online services, referrals to good clients, and lots of interaction through their discussion list. Most of this is not available unless one pays the annual membership fee. Is this association a social network??

1 comment:

Jennifer Koerber said...

While it's definitely a social space, the AIIP site isn't quite a social network as it's usually defined. Wikipedia has a good article on the topic. What the AIIP offers is member-only content on an otherwise standard web site. The role of a social networking site is to facilitate communcation and community-building, by providing a variety of ways for users to interact.

Another way to look at it is that the point of the AIIP site is for AIIP to talk to its members. The point of a social networking site is for the members to talk to each other.

That said, how might you or your institution make use of such a service, where you and your patrons can talk to each other?